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Start:1 January 2017                               End: 31 July 2020


project summary

Dipteran pollination is less well understood than bee pollination, often underestimated, and largely ignored. We know very little of the pollination biology of flies because existing data are ill databased and thus inaccessible, reference collections do not cover most of the biodiversity, and there is a lack of trained Diptera taxonomists and pollination ecologists. Moreover, there is a lack of interaction between the taxonomy and ecology scientific communities. The aim of this project is therefore to organize a network to collect, manage, and share information on dipteran pollinators from the Afrotropics. Indeed, because plant-pollinator networks are composed of a variety of flowering plants and an interacting, high variety of insect pollinators, the different roles of the pollinators need to be understood. So far, we know very little of the pollinating Diptera although in the Afrotropics they probably are as diverse as the other main insect pollinator taxa.


Aims of the PINDIP project

1) to construct a network for taxonomists and applied ecologists, involved in the field of plant-pollinator interactions in the Afrotropics;


2) to stimulate the sharing of Diptera specimens, by depositing identified reference material in African institutions where they can be accessed by others;


3) to create awareness of the role of, and appreciation of, Diptera in plant-pollinator networks, as the diversity of Afrotropical Diptera is very rich, but only ½ to â…” of species are currently described;


4) to increase expertise on dipteran taxonomy and ecology in several Afrotropical institutes, through the presentation of training courses in Diptera identification.


highlights of the PINDIP project

Training courses:

First training course on pollinating Diptera (Kenya - 2017): read more here

Second training course on polliatning Diptera (Tanzania - 2019): read more here


GBIF submissions:

Data set on Syrphidae of Kenya uploaded to GBIF: find the data set here

Data set on pollinating Diptera of southern Africa uploaded to GBIF: find the data set here


Participation at conferences and symposia:

9th International Congress of Dipterology (ICD9) - Namibia: read more here

10th International Symposium on Syrphidae (ISS10) - Greece: read more here




Kurt Jordaens (Royal Museum for Central Africa - RMCA, Belgium): project coordinator and contact person

Robert Copeland (International Center of Insect Physiology and Ecology - icipe, Kenya)

Georg Georgen (International Institute of Tropical Agriculture - IITA, Benin)

Laban Njoroge (National Museums of Kenya - NMK, Kenya)

Ashley H. Kirk-Spriggs (National History Museum - NHM, UK)

John Midgley (KwaZulu-Natal Museum - KZNM, South Africa)

Michelle Hamer (South African National Biodiversity Institute - SANBI, South Africa)

Steven Janssens (Botanical Garden Meise, Belgium)


see more on the Partners Page



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Read more on the PINDIP project on the JRS website: click here

Afrotropical diptera
pollinator information network

Kurt Jordaens

kurt.jordaens [at]



Royal Museum for Central Africa

Dept. of Biology - Entomology

Leuvensesteenweg 13

B-3080 Tervuren


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