past events
9th International Symposium on Syrphidae
The ninth International Symposium on Syrphidae took place in Curibita, Parana, Brasil from 28 August - 1 September 2017
20 NOVember-1 DECember 2017
First training course on the taxonomy and systematics of African pollinating flies
The training course was held at the National Museums of Kenya (NMK) and the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE) (Nairobi, Kenya). We trained 14 persons (from African institutes, universities, museums,...) in the taxonomy and identification of Afrotropical Diptera. This training course was financially supported by the JRS Biodiversity Foundation and the Belgian Development Cooperation. Read more on this training here.

The 9th International Congress of Dipterology took take place in Windhoek, Namibia. Find more on the congress here. The Congress venue was Safari Hotels and Conference Centre in central Windhoek which offered modern, world class conference facilities, including a large reception area, suitable for functions, space for the erection of poster boards and three adjoining Congress rooms, the largest of which seats over 400 delegates. The two adjoining rooms seated 150 delegates each and were used for concurrent symposium sessions.
18-29 NOVember 2019
Second training course on the taxonomy and systematics of African pollinating flies
Our second training course was held at the Sokoine Pest Management Center (SPMC) of the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) (Morogoro, Tanzania). We trained 13 persons (from African institutes, universities, museums,...) in the taxonomy and identification of Afrotropical Diptera.
The call has been closed.
This training course is financially supported by the JRS Biodiversity Foundation and the Belgian Development Cooperation. Read more on the training here.