Start:1 January 2019 End: 31 December 2021
project summary
DIPTATEACH is a network project including the Royal Museum for Central Africa (Kurt Jordaens), the Kwazulu-Natal Museum – SA (Dr. John Midgley) and the Albany Museum – SA (Dr. Terence Bellinghan). Both Dr. Midgley and Dr. Bellingan classify as young, emerging researchers and have received their PhD < 7 years ago. This joint networking project will result in joint publications and the results obtained through the networking activities will be used to train young and emerging South African researchers.
Aims of the DIPTATEACH project
1) An enhanced, open-access data set on the Syrphidae of South Africa in the KZNM Diptera collection ;
2) Two joint publications, one will be a data-paper on the Syrphidae collection of KZNM, one will be a checklist of the South African Syrphidae ;
3) An open access online picture database of South African Syrphidae: this database (website) will be free-online and will contain a large set of high-resolution stacked pictures of South African Syrphidae that will make it easier to identify South African hoverflies.
4) An improved PINDIP-website including flowering visit records of South African Syrphidae. This existing website, maintained by the Belgian partner, groups knowledge on the role of Diptera in plant-pollinator networks in the Afrotropical Region.
5) A trained group of young and emerging South African researchers (see further).
highlights of the DIPTATEACH project
Online database of the Syrphidae of South Africa:
The collection data of the Syrphidae in the KZNM Diptera collection, including those from South Africa, can be found here
Picture database:
The PINDIP website currently contains > 400 high resolution stacking photos of Aftrotropical Syrphidae.
A training in general entomology (with a focus on Diptera of the Afrotropical Region) will be organized for young and emerging South African researchers. The training will take place in 2021 at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Pietermaritzburg). More information will soon be provided here
Kurt Jordaens (Royal Museum for Central Africa - RMCA, Belgium): Belgian project coordinator and contact person
John Midgley (KwaZulu-Natal Museum - KZNM, South Africa): South African porject coordinator and contact person
Terence Bellingan (Albany Museum - AMGS, South Africa)
see more on the Partners Page