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THIRD training course ON

THE taxonomy and systematics of African pollinating flies
1-12 november 2021 - morogoro-tanzania

The training will be organized by the Entomology Section of the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA, Tervuren) in Belgium and the Sokoine Pest Management Centre (SPMC) at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA, Morogoro) in Tanzania.


Teachers are Dr. Ashley H. Kirk-Spriggs (Natural History Museum, London, UK), Dr. John M. Midgley (Kwa-Zulu Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa) and Dr. Kurt Jordaens (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium).


More information on the call, including the admission requirements,  can be found here.


The application form can be found here. Deadline for submission of your application is 14 August 2021 (CET midnight)


Participants, instructors and administrative support team of the second training course, Tanzania, 2019



The objective of this group training was to ensure, for the sake of the African scientists or the persons confronted with the problem, a basic training on the identification and ecology of African Diptera that have a significant role in plant-pollinator networks. The target families are Bombyliidae, Calliphoridae, Mythicomyiidae, Nemestrinidae, Rhiniidae, Syrphidae, and pangonine Tabanidae.


The training consisted of ex-cathedra courses on biogeography, morphology, identification (methods), collection methods, and conservation methods of Diptera. Practical exercises were used to identify Diptera and to improve collection management skills.





The training can receive 12 participants, among whom researchers and employees who are confronted with pollinating flies on a professional level. They may be employees from agricultural institutes, professors of agricultural faculties, researchers from national institutions, PhD students, post docs, etc.

Participants must have a minimum level of knowledge in basic Diptera ecology (to be detailed in the motivation letter). We also encourage candidates with a from the private sector which show a clear link to entomology in their professional work.


The candidates’ maximum age at the moment of the training should not exceed 45 years. 


Special attention is given to the participation of women.



- Ashley H. Kirk-Spriggs (Natural History Museum London, UK)

John Midgley (KwaZulu-Natal Museum, South Africa)

Kurt Jordaens (Royal Museum for Central Africa, Belgium)


Local organisation:


- Christopher Sabuni (SPMC, Tanzania)

- Monica Michael (SPMC, Tanzania)


L to R:  John Midgley, Christopher Sabuni,

Monica Michael, Kurt Jordaens, Ashley Kirk-Spriggs


Some more pictures of the previous training course



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Afrotropical diptera
pollinator information network

Kurt Jordaens

kurt.jordaens [at]



Royal Museum for Central Africa

Dept. of Biology - Entomology

Leuvensesteenweg 13

B-3080 Tervuren


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